Postal Work

Casual Temporary Employment

Includes Casual and PSE Jobs

Casual, Temporary, and Holiday Employment (No Test Required)

The Postal Service hires thousands of Casual and Temporary Employees each year during the holidays and other peak mail periods. Your local postal facility may display recruitment notices, however the best place to look is the USPS online employment page. Tests aren’t required for these positions. However, if you’ve taken a VEA exam for previous applications and passed the test, you may be able to receive a higher hourly rate. These jobs may lead to full time employment. Starting salary can be as high as $19.62 per hour.

The Postal Service also hires large numbers of temporary clerks and mail handlers for a 21-day period for the Christmas holiday season. These holiday casual positions have no benefits; but can lead to a 360-day appointment.

Casual temporary positions are a good way to familiarize yourself with the Postal Service’s work environment and they can lead to full time employment. If your supervisor likes your work, they can keep you for at least 180 days.

Caution. The casual temporary and holiday position schedules are tedious to say the least. They can and do often work casual temps long hours and sometimes 7 days a week during peak mail periods and you are subject to work any and all shifts. It is hard work but if you impress the supervisor and they keep you for up to 180 days you may be able to take the test and get hired full time.

The Postal Service has streamlined the application process and all you need to do is go online to locate jobs in your area and sign up. Jobs should be advertised by early October for most locations and the job announcement title typically starts with the word “Holiday.”

Afternoon and evening shifts are offered, and you must be available for full-time hours. Search the USPS site for these positions in your city. Review our application guide first so that you will easily be able to navigate their job listings then visit to apply. 

When you start the application process after finding a positions of interest, the first thing you must do is create your eCareeer account and Profile.  Apply for all positions that you qualify for to improve your chances.

Also, explore and apply for job vacancies in the federal government to improve you chance of employment.